Thrillers, películas de suspense de Nesbitt Blaisdell

Películas de Nesbitt Blaisdell filtradas por género

🎭 Fred Shepard
John (James Caviezel) vive obsesionado con la muerte de su padre, un bombero (Dennis Quaid), que pereció 30 años antes durante un incendio. Un día, un extraño fenómeno meteorológico le perm ...
🎭 William Defeo
After his young son dies from the negligence at a hospital, Harry Fertig takes matters into his own hands and kills the doctors responsible. Slick lawyer Roy Bleakie, looking only to win a case a ...
🎭 Sheriff Nighblack
Eddie Macon is running from a nightmare... running to a dream... running for his life and his time is running out. He's escaped a Texas prison for the second time (risking life imprisonment if ca ...