Películas románticas de Mossie Smith

Películas de Mossie Smith filtradas por género

🎭 Female Warden
During the Blitz of World War II, a female screenwriter works on a film celebrating England's resilience as a way to buoy a weary populace's spirits. Her efforts to dramatise the true story of tw ...
🎭 Megan Gough
An old-fashioned love story set in the South Wales valleys during the 1930s. Well-to-do doctor Andrew joins his father's infirmary, and in miner's daughter Bethan finds a spirit lacking in his pr ...
🎭 Ida Rhy-Jones
Adapting R.F. Delderfield's classic story of love, lust, crime and betrayal, this three-part mini-series centres around a young bank clerk whose yearning to escape the mundanity of 1930s small-to ...