Películas dramáticas de Mohammad Reza Darvishi

Películas de Mohammad Reza Darvishi filtradas por género

🎭 Original Music Composer
Inside a beat up stadium in Kirkuk, Iraq, live many refugees trying to escape Sadam Hussein's administration. Asu lives with his younger brother who has lost his legs from a landmine. Next door l ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Rahmat travels to a host of islands in a vast salt pan in order to collect the inhabitant's tears for an unknown purpose. He is joined on his mysterious journey by a young boy searching for his f ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Chakameh, who has lost both her husband and child in a car accident, meets a guy who was recently released from prison. While she is under pressure from lawyers to compromise with the arrested dr ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
A road movie set in Iraq in 2003 during the fall of Saddam. Two Kurds are looking for the parents of a five-year-old boy who has been found in the street in tears. His name is Saddam too. At the ...
👔 Original Music Composer
Bajo el opresivo régimen talibán, la madre de una muchacha de 12 años, médico de profesión, pierde su empleo en un hospital y las dos mujeres, así como la abuela, se convierten en auténtic ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
In a small religious town in Iran, Ali After a fight with his father, escapes to the desert where he hears music for the first time in his life: a shepherd who plays Ney. From that moment his lif ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Nogreh is a young Afghani woman living with her father and her sister-in-law, Leylomah, whose husband, Akhtar, is missing. Beyond the issue of Akhtar, Leylomah is most concerned with how to feed ...
🎭 Music
It is September 11, 2001, and a young man goes missing in New York. Because of his eastern name and his Islamic religion, he is suspected of being involved in the World Trade Center attack. The F ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Filmmakers from all over the world provide short films – each of which is eleven minutes, nine seconds, and one frame of film in length – that offer differing perspectives on the 9/11 terrori ...
🎭 Music
A girl reaches the age of nine and is supposed to act as a grown woman according to her family. A girl participates in a bike race against the will of her husband. An elderly woman decides she wa ...
👔 Music
Con una pizarra al hombro, un grupo de profesores recorre las montañas kurdas, en la frontera entre Irán e Iraq, a la búsqueda de alumnos. La lucha diaria por la supervivencia no deja a la pob ...