Comedias de Mircea Andreescu

Películas de Mircea Andreescu filtradas por género

🎭 Gheorghe
Caterina is a 45 year old Italian woman who has been without a job for months and cannot find another one. So she accepts to work as a carer for Gheorghe, an elderly lively Romanian stuck to a wh ...
🎭 Emanoil Piscoci
It's the 22nd of December. Sixteen years have passed since the revolution, and in a small town Christmas is about to come. Piscoci, an old retired man is preparing for another Christmas alone. Ma ...
🎭 Arch Guardian
This Romanian dramatic comedy offers metaphorical commentary on life after Ceausescu's reign as it tells the story of a rural community turned topsy-turvy in their mad quest for the snails a prom ...