Películas sobre crímenes Michel Michelet

Películas de Michel Michelet filtradas por género

👔 Original Music Composer
Un criminal cuyas víctimas son niños es perseguido incansablemente por la policía, pero también por el mundo del hampa. Remake de la impresionante película de Fritz Lang de 1931 ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
A down-on-her-luck San Francisco woman, turning in desperation to jewel robbery, barely escapes getting nabbed in a heist and moves to Los Angeles where she gets an honest job as a waitress. Her ...
🎭 Original Music Composer
Sandra Carpenter is a London-based dancer who is distraught to learn that her friend has disappeared. Soon after the disappearance, she's approached by Harley Temple, a police investigator who be ...
👔 Original Music Composer