Películas de terror de Michael Hardwick

Películas de Michael Hardwick filtradas por género

🎭 Digital Imaging Technician
A mysterious virus hits an isolated elementary school, transforming the kids into a feral swarm of mass savages. An unlikely hero must lead a motley band of teachers in the fight of their lives. ...
🎭 Cinematography
The Yellow Wallpaper (Motion Picture) is an "Origins Myth"... rather than a direct adaptation of the famous Charlotte Perkins Gilman story. Drawing from the original short story and a number of G ...
👔 Director of Photography
Una mañana de 1940 en Nueva Inglaterra, la población entera -572 personas- de Friar New Hampshire salió a caminar juntos por un sendero sinuoso de los bosques cercanos. Dejaron atrás sus pert ...