Películas históricas de Michael Goodliffe

Películas de Michael Goodliffe filtradas por género

🎭 General Weidling
Hitler: The Last Ten Days takes us into the depths of der Furher’s Berlin bunker during his final days. Based on the book by Gerhard Boldt, it provides a bleak look at the goings-on within, and ...
🎭 Thomas More
Adapted from the BBC2 serial The Six Wives of Henry VIII. 1547, King Henry VIII's life has taken a turn for the worse and he is forced to look back over his life and the many loves which had brou ...
🎭 Solicitor General
Inglaterra, siglo XVII. Las discrepancias entre el rey Carlos I Estuardo (1625-1649), que era católico, y el Parlamento, dominado por los puritanos de Oliverio Cromwell, desencadenaron una guerr ...
🎭 Charles Gill
England, 1890s. The brutal and embittered Marquis of Queensberry, who believes that his youngest son, Bosie, has an inappropriate relationship with the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde, maintains ...
🎭 Thomas Andrews
The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the perspective of the ocean liner's second officer, Char ...
🎭 Captain McCall, R.N., British Naval Attache, Buenos Aires
In the early years of the World War II, the Royal Navy is fighting a desperate battle to keep the Atlantic convoy routes open to supply the British Isles, facing the great danger posed by the man ...
🎭 Count De Dunois
During the 15th century reign of France's King Louis XI, a young Scottish man is sent by his English Lord to woo a French lady on his behalf. The plan goes awry when the young man falls in love w ...
🎭 Col. Caillard - POW Escort
Captain Horatio Hornblower leads his ship HMS Lydia on a perilous transatlantic voyage, during which his faithful crew battle both a Spanish warship and a ragged band of Central American rebels. ...