Comedias de Michael Gabel

Películas de Michael Gabel filtradas por género

🎭 Mr. Pay Day
En un barrio obrero de Baltimore vive Sylvia Stickles, una mujer malhumorada y reprimida de mediana edad. Aunque su marido tiene todavía apetencias sexuales, a Sylvia el sexo no le interesa lo m ...
🎭 Lt. Wiseman
Major Benson Winifred Payne is being discharged from the Marines. Payne is a killin' machine, but the wars of the world are no longer fought on the battlefield. A career Marine, he has no idea wh ...
🎭 Kidnapper
Doug is a Secret Service Agent who has just completed his stint in charge protecting Tess Carlisle—the widow of a former U.S. President, and a close personal friend of the current President. He ...