Películas históricas de Maurice Barrier

Películas de Maurice Barrier filtradas por género

🎭 Guitaud
January 1649: Since the death of his father, the young Louis XIV must undergo the hard apprenticeship of royal power. He must face the intrigues of the great ones of the kingdom who lead La Frond ...
🎭 Pierre Guerre
Village of Artigat, southern France, summer 1542, during the reign of Francis I. Martin Guerre and Bertrande de Rols marry. A few years later, accused of having committed a robbery, Martin sudden ...
🎭 D'Artagnan
Cardinal Mazarin dies, leaving a power vacuum in which the young Louis asserts his intention to govern as well as rule. Mazarin's fiscal advisor, Colbert, warns against Fouquet, the Superintendan ...