Thrillers, películas de suspense de Mary Ellen Woods

Películas de Mary Ellen Woods filtradas por género

🎭 First Assistant Director
In February of 1959, nine Russian hikers ventured into a remote area of the Ural Mountains. Two weeks later, all of them were found dead. What happened is a mystery that has baffled investigators ...
👔 First Assistant Director
El detective Danny Baxter (John Cena) está a punto de tener el peor día de su vida cuando un criminal y terrorista, Miles Jackson (Aiden Gillen), que se ha escapado de prisión tras haber sido ...
👔 First Assistant Director
Tom Cutler es un ex policía que ahora se dedica a limpiar escenas de crímenes una vez que ya han sido investigados. Concienzudo y metódico, no deja jamás rastro alguno que pueda indicar que h ...
👔 First Assistant Director
El Asesino del Zodiaco mató, entre 1966 y 1978, a numerosas personas en San Francisco, al tiempo que enviaba a los medios de comunicación cartas con pistas. La acción se centra en las largas p ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
A young man is plunged into a life of subterfuge, deceit and mistaken identity in pursuit of a femme fatale whose heart is never quite within his grasp ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
The story of five teenage girls who form an unlikely bond after beating up a teacher who has sexually harassed them. They build a solid friendship but their wild ways begin to get out of control. ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
Annie, a young schoolteacher struggling to solve the brutal murder of her father, unwittingly summons the "Candyman" to New Orleans, where she learns the secret of his power, and discovers the li ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
Freddy Krueger is resurrected from his apparent demise, and rapidly tracks down and kills the remainder of the Elm Street kids. However, Kristen, who can draw others into her dreams, wills her sp ...
🎭 First Assistant Director
A vicious biker gang takes over a small town in Arizona. A Vietnam War vet passing through town and a few locals with nothing to lose go to war with the gang's ruthless leader. ...