Películas dramáticas de Marieke Dilles

Películas de Marieke Dilles filtradas por género

🎭 Günter's mother
Günter, un actor, fue encontrado cuando era un niño en un bosque alemán. Nunca indagó en su pasado. Hasta que un tal Breslauer le contacta y Günter empieza a soñar con su madre. ...
🎭 journalist
Ten years since the passing away of Ellen, it's the annual reunion of Ellen's friends. We see how everybody has coped in his own way with the loss. Where is the grief now? Where is someone, who d ...
🎭 Naomi Waldack
Vincke and Verstuyft are detectives of the Antwerp police department. This time they have to deal with the Albanian mob and some problems in their own police division. ...