Musicales de Marie McDonald

Películas de Marie McDonald filtradas por género

🎭 Michele
While raising cash to pay a debt, a Vegas gambler tricks a night club crooner there who looks like him to play him for a bit.The gambler's Latina girlfriend opens the eyes of the prissy crooner. ...
🎭 Gale Fletcher
A star hockey player with the Wildcats is barred from Hockey for hitting a referee. Through the actions of Chris, Don is able to get a job with Buzz Fletcher's ice-show as the novelty act. ...
🎭 Margo Morgan
Lucky Jordan is a gangster living in New York City and when he's drafted into the army, he tries to escape duty by using an old con woman named Annie to convince the draft board he's needed at ho ...
🎭 Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
A young man asks a hat check girl to pose as his fiancée in order to make his dying father's last moments happy. However, the old man's health takes a turn for the better and now his son doesn't ...