Documentales de Marek Rozenbaum

Películas de Marek Rozenbaum filtradas por género

🎭 Co-Producer
Marek Hłasko, ”the Polish James Dean”, a writer and a reveler, comes to Israel in the late 1950s. This land and people become his inspiration, and at the same time a trap for him. He careful ...
🎭 Thanks
Composed from the conversations that the director holds with people passing by in the street under his Warsaw apartment, each story in 'The Balcony Movie' is unique and deals with the way we try ...
🎭 Yoel
When Yoel hears about an imminent Iranian military attack on Tel Aviv, he knows what to do - escape with his family to a safe haven in Jerusalem. His son Assaf, who is a filmmaker and about to be ...
🎭 Producer
When Yoel hears about an imminent Iranian military attack on Tel Aviv, he knows what to do - escape with his family to a safe haven in Jerusalem. His son Assaf, who is a filmmaker and about to be ...
🎭 Producer
Was Sigmund Freud a revolutionary genius who changed our thought and sought to release humanity from shackles of oppression, religion and hypocrisy? Or was he a greedy and devious charlatan who s ...