Películas dramáticas de Marco Meister

Películas de Marco Meister filtradas por género

🎭 Music
After getting his cancer diagnosis, Holm decides to die in Switzerland. With a last big appearance he wants to say goodbye to his family. Holm invites family members and close friends to a dinner ...
🎭 Music
Ana's Hollywood dreams are slowly turning to dust, until she gets an offer to give her body to a Berlin science project. Against all odds, Ana fights for her right to seize her dreams. ...
🎭 Music
"Little Paris" is the nickname given to Luna's hometown in provincial Baden Württemberg. Its name comes from a replica of the Eiffel Tower on a factory roof on an industrial estate next to the A ...
🎭 Music
Gregor Schnitzler's heartbreaking drama focuses on a traumatized woman, who has to deal with a clinging young girl. After one of her students has died tragically, Thea Winkler quit her job as a t ...