Filmografía de Marc Lauwrys como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Marc Lauwrys

🎭 Jos Vanollen
🎭 Gaston
Dos jóvenes policías se debaten entre colaborar con los nazis o ayudar a la Resistencia en la Amberes ocupada durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. ...
🎭 Shammes
Carolinas, summer in Antwerp will be different from what she thought. She actually wants to found a new fashion label with Johann in Hamburg. But Mathis turns her life upside down. ...
🎭 Charles Ruiters
A famous writer is violated in a sex-movie-theatre. He had a date with Roos, a young student who works also as a prostitute. Quickly it becomes clear that more students are active in the prostitu ...
🎭 Huisarts
Nine-year-old Lisa discovers her sinister new friend is the ghost of the dead twin of Lisa's mother. Then Lisa's father also begins to suspect his wife of hiding a terrible secret, resulting in d ...
🎭 Edouard
In 1888, the young Annabelle is not permitted to leave the four walls of her parents domain. One day she meets Pieter in her fathers factory and freedom suddenly seems feasible. ...