Comedias de Manlio Camastro

Películas de Manlio Camastro filtradas por género

🎭 First Assistant Director
Leonidas, of noble lineage but poor, serves in the house of Count Aristide Of the Fava Dongo, waiting patiently for his death to arrive. He dies at last, but rumors reveal that, on his deathbed, ...
🎭 Editor
Ali Baba's powerful uncle hates how his nephew visits many beds of the caliphate and fetches a professor to set Ali Baba on the straight-and-narrow, but Ali humiliates the professor. Thinking Ali ...
🎭 Assistant Editor
Rivaling Pirates and Spanish gold are the ingredients for this story. Blackie the pirate is the one who first hears from this shipment of gold when he encounters "Don" Pedro. He thinks of a plan ...