Películas dramáticas de Maizura Ederis

Películas de Maizura Ederis filtradas por género

🎭 Writer
A group of footballers from different backgrounds shed blood, sweat and tears as they train hard to get into the national team. Along the way, they learn many useful lessons, such as teamwork, fa ...
🎭 Screenplay
Wak Selamat is the father of one Siti Hajar, who wishes to study abroad. As a father, Wak does everything he can in order to fulfill her dreams. Her two brothers are also more than willing to sac ...
🎭 Script
27-year-old Yunus Bin Ambia, a young preacher who is often invited to speak at mosques and universities. His lectures are of interest to young people. However, Yunus is worried about the social s ...