Películas dramáticas de Maeng Se-chang

Películas de Maeng Se-chang filtradas por género

🎭 Do-jin
Munseong goes to Gunsan for the first time in 30 years upon hearing his father Gwangdeok is dying. Gwangdeok’s death brings Munseong and his son Dojin together, but they are unable to reconcile ...
🎭 Korean Mine Worker
Duk-soo lost his father and younger sister while taking refuge during the Korean War. He leaves for Germany to work as a miner and enters the Vietnam War. He wishes to find his sister. ...
🎭 Jang Joon-ha
Two teenagers joining the same class in a high school die on the same day. The one to be top of the class is killed by a big knife on the street, the other - the second best of the class indeed - ...