Comedias de Lucrecia Muñoz

Películas de Lucrecia Muñoz filtradas por género

🎭 Lupita
A low-class baker accidentally gets to know an attractive but bitter fiancée. By getting her snobby, dead-pan family to spend some time with his scumbag friends, he changes their lives, while at ...
🎭 Clienta cabaret (uncredited)
In the drama, a father, firmly believing that the baby daughter in his arms is not his own, abandons her upon the doorstep of the town drunk. Many years pass, and the man finds himself continuall ...
🎭 Chelito
Conocido entre sus vecinos como "El revoltoso" por su tendencia a enredarlo todo, Tin Tan se mete en líos a cada rato por tratar de ayudar a los demás. Una estafa lo lleva a la cárcel y su afi ...