Películas sobre crímenes Lucio Bompani

Películas de Lucio Bompani filtradas por género

👔 Production Manager
El comisario Rizzo y su ayudante Caputto investigan el secuestro de la sobrina de un magnate del petróleo, Connie Burns. La profesionalidad del comisario queda demostrada cuando descubre a los r ...
🎭 Set Designer
When a deported gangster dies in Italy, the U.S. Treasury Department is very interested in the one million dollars Madigan owed the government, but managed to take to Italy with him. They send Ag ...
🎭 Production Manager
Some kids find by chance an infant in swaddling clothes left in a meadow. Initially, after having led in their lair, they think of selling it to a caravan of gypsies. ...