Películas sobre crímenes Lito Cruz

Películas de Lito Cruz filtradas por género

🎭 Venturini
Un popular periódico le encarga a una famosa novelista noir investigar la misteriosa muerte de un poderoso empresario considerado como sospechoso en la extraña muerte de su esposa. A pesar de h ...
🎭 Padre
The film tells the life of Tito Pereyra since his childhood in a town of Tucuman (with an absent father) until the 1980 s in Buenos Aires, when democracy was restored. During that period he makes ...
🎭 Walensky
Telma (Norma Pons) is concerned when her father Salerno dies of a heart attack in a movie theater while watching a film of two thugs beating another man. She believes that there is something more ...
🎭 Juan de Dios Tolosa/Carmelo Di Prisco