Películas de misterio de Linden Travers

Películas de Linden Travers filtradas por género

🎭 Joan Walton
Rex Walton, millionaire man-about-town, mysteriously disappears on the eve of his wedding after an attempt at blackmail by infamous criminal The Panda. His plucky sister Joan aids the police in t ...
🎭 Julia Price
Mismatched travellers are stranded overnight at a lonely rural railway station. They soon learn of local superstition about a phantom train which is said to travel these parts at dead of night, c ...
🎭 'Mrs.' Margaret Todhunter
On a train headed for England a group of travelers is delayed by an avalanche. Holed up in a hotel in a fictional European country, young Iris befriends elderly Miss Froy. When the train resumes, ...