Musicales de Les Wiggins

Películas de Les Wiggins filtradas por género

🎭 Sound Editor
It is 1947, the year of the communist rebellion in Malaya and the British army's SADUSEA (Song And Dance Unit South East Asia) are called to the Malayan Jungle to entertain the troops. The eccent ...
👔 Sound Editor
En el imaginario de quienes eran adolescentes y jóvenes en los años 80, la serie televisiva "Fama" ocupa un lugar de privilegio. Pero antes de la serie hubo la película, este vigoroso musical ...
🎭 Sound Editor
New York, 1929, a war rages between two rival gangsters, Fat Sam and Dandy Dan. Dan is in possession of a new and deadly weapon, the dreaded "splurge gun". As the custard pies fly, Bugsy Malone, ...
🎭 Sound Editor
Cliff Richard and the Shadows arrive in a small Spanish town for a concert when a U.S. plane accidentally drops a mini-bomb on it. The Shadows look for the bomb to return it. ...