Películas sobre crímenes Lee Kin-Keung

Películas de Lee Kin-Keung filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Catherine is a violent and disturbed young lady who is shot down by the government in one of her escapades. She wakes up in a training facility and is taught to use weapons, combat, and is put th ...
🎭 Second Unit Cinematographer
An ex-cop and divorce lawyer team up with a gangster to clear their names after getting involved in a dirty money scheme led by a vicious money launderer, who plans to expand his business and wip ...
🎭 Director of Photography
Something fishy is going on in the anti-Drug Trafficking Unit of the HK Police, and only a few honest cops know that the corruption goes all the way to the top. However, they must prove their cas ...
🎭 Lighting Technician
Something fishy is going on in the anti-Drug Trafficking Unit of the HK Police, and only a few honest cops know that the corruption goes all the way to the top. However, they must prove their cas ...