Películas dramáticas de Larisa Kronberg

Películas de Larisa Kronberg filtradas por género

🎭 сельская жительница
🎭 член райкома
According to the story of the same name by Anatoli Kalinin. The love story of Antonina and the battalion commander Nikitin, whom she sheltered after a severe wound. Antonina Kashirina is wanted ...
🎭 Лиза Колесова - жена Семёна Николаева
🎭 Irina Tumanova
Life and times of Aleksa Dundic, a volunteer in the Serb army during WW1, who later became a legend by fighting for the Red Army in the Russian Civil War. ...
🎭 Соня Марлевская
Two young people from the country arrive to Leningrad hoping to get into university. She succeeds, and he fails but stays in the city to try again in the next year. She helps him but starts havin ...
🎭 Zosya Korolyova
The manager of the Belarusian collective farm Naideika Krasovich, inspired by the award at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition for the high flax harvest, gives her word to double the harvest. M ...
🎭 Галя Гончаренко
🎭 Зина Иванова
Drama based on the novel by Vsevolod Kochetov “The Zhurbin Family”. The characters of the picture are a large family of hereditary shipbuilders. Three generations of the Zhurbin live under o ...