Películas dramáticas de Krzysztof Chodorowski

Películas de Krzysztof Chodorowski filtradas por género

🎭 Hubert Lenk "Hubert"
To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious p ...
🎭 Maciek Starnawski
Grandfather's wife unexpectedly leaves him for another man and this sparks a series of events. His son and grandson arrive from abroad and set of for a journey to find a woman dear to each of the ...
🎭 Wojtek
After the death of his wife, the father of 16-year-old Wojtek, succumbs to a nervous breakdown and loses touch with reality. The school authorities where Wojtek is a student already know about th ...