Películas de terror de Kristin Keith

Películas de Kristin Keith filtradas por género

🎭 Catherine Eddowes
Three acclaimed researchers unravel the Jack the Ripper murders while prosecuting their cases against three different suspects-shedding stunning new light on the greatest unsolved crime in histor ...
🎭 Roberta Gillis
Six college friends in their late thirties reunite to support one of them going through a divorce. All of them are at crossroads in their lives and looking for a fresh start. An Incubus demon enl ...
🎭 Elaine Gordon
As some friends prepare a birthday party in a warehouse, Kay and best friend Noah find a Ouija board in a storage room. They try to contact the spirits of the dead, and strange things begin to ha ...
🎭 Darlene Unger
Steve Unger busca desesperadamente la cura para salvar a su esposa que padece una enfermedad terminal, además debe cuidar a su pequeña hija de 10 años Lily, lo que complica más aún su situac ...