Comedias de Kjeld Jacobsen

Películas de Kjeld Jacobsen filtradas por género

🎭 Anders - kromand
Et sted på Fyn, hvor de levende hegn omkranser de bugnede marker, ligger Uglegaarden. Det er den største og rigeste gård i sognet, og den ejes af enken Dora og hendes tre brovtende stedsønner ...
🎭 Kriminalkommissær
Bettina Eriksen, manager of her Uncle Teodor's nursing home, is being framed for murder. With the help of 2 older ladies, Bettina sets out to find out the murderer's identity and motive. ...
Niels (Jens Osterholm) es un ladrón de poca monta y un patán irresponsable que conoce a Lone (Yvonne Ingdal), una asistente de laboratorio que es justo lo contrario de Niels. Ambos se enamoran ...
🎭 Godsejer Jørgen Dahl
🎭 Bestyrer på Hvalfangerstationen
In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean on the island of Troldø lives a single farming family. The grandmother Gunhild is the only woman on the island and her son Enok is unable to find a wi ...
🎭 Kaptajn Henrik Holden
Three girls (around 20 years old) who have grown up in different parts of Denmark get a strange letter. It turns out they are sisters, and will inherit from their late mother, if the can stay tog ...
🎭 Landsretssagfører Erik Bruun
🎭 Viggo Haarstad - automobilhandler
🎭 Journalist
In the year 1520, during a violent hurricane in the North Sea, a ship in distress. The sailors are convinced that the abbot they have aboard is causing this. They throw him overboard with his hol ...