Películas de acción de Kam Shan

Películas de Kam Shan filtradas por género

In 1949, CCP domain the mainland China and many people moved to Hong Kong during this period, especially the soldier of KMT. Hong King Shan, general to embarrass leading his guides escaped to H ...
🎭 Lam Jan Nam
Un pergamino, que contiene los más preciados secretos de las artes marciales, ha sido robado al Emperador. La reacción no se hará esperar y un destacamento del ejército será enviado para rec ...
In 16th century, during the Ming dynasty era, every ten years the greatest swordsman from Japan faces the greatest swordsman from China in a duel to the death for their nation's honor. As a duel ...
🎭 Korean traitor
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive ...
🎭 Ah Shan
Cheng is a young Chinese mainlander who moves in with his expatriate cousins to work at an ice factory in Thailand. He does this with a family promise never to get involved in any fights. However ...