Filmografía de Joyce Branagh como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Joyce Branagh

🎭 Supermarket Manager
La película, un drama de madurez ambientado en los tumultos de la Irlanda del Norte de finales de los años 60, sigue al joven Buddy mientras navega por un paisaje de lucha obrera, cambios cultu ...
🎭 Susan Owen
Wilfred Owen returns to the Somme against the advice of his mentor Siegfried Sassoon, determined to follow his subject 'The Pity of War' to the very end. This true story tells of a milestone in ...
🎭 Narrator
The Welsh writer Arthur Machen wrote many acclaimed stories of the supernatural which brought him great fame in the 1920s. His work has faded from view in the decades since leaving just a dedicat ...