Comedias de Jothi Meena

Películas de Jothi Meena filtradas por género

🎭 Asha
Chandru agrees to marry the girl of his father's choice when his lover Indu goes missing. However, Chandru faces a tough predicament when Indu returns with a young girl and claims he is the fathe ...
Kunju Gounder is a respected village chief, he seeks his missed son. Panju Gounder, worked as a servant in Kunju Gounder's house and married his sister. Now, Panju Gounder tries hard to be respec ...
Gopal causes much angst among his male neighbours as he is friendly with their spouses. They are relieved when he marries Usha. But Usha leaves him after learning that he was married once before. ...
Raja feels stifled under his strict father Col. Chandrasekhar, and when his father picks a girl he doesn't like for him to marry, it is the last straw and he runs away to Ooty. There he teams up ...