Filmografía de José de Freitas como actor

Películas protagonizadas por José de Freitas

🎭 Pecheur
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel exper ...
🎭 Homem no bar
Country boy arrives in Rio de Janeiro, looking for a better life, but he finds it extremely difficult to get a job, and even has to work as a pimp in order to survive. ...
Simeão is a good and simple man but a little too lively for a small city in the middle of Brazil. The most respectable citizens of this town start to think about how they are going to kick him o ...
Young congressman Miguel Horta represents a party that is directly opposed to the present government. He slyly switches parties in order to gain favor with those in power, seriously compromising ...