Comedias de José Antonio Izaguirre

Películas de José Antonio Izaguirre filtradas por género

Having turned 60, Adela is living a life she never wanted. She has no children, a husband who walks all over her and, worst of all, nothing to look forward to. Then one day she has the chance to ...
🎭 (uncredited)
Catherine bears a strong resemblance to Silvia, daughter of a millionaire who has escaped with a bullfighter. A group of ruffians who intends to defraud the Silvia's father used to Catalina for t ...
In Tordesa, a small fishing village in the Spanish Levant, appears a coelacanth, an important fish that in recent years has attracted the attention of the press and scientists around the world. I ...
🎭 Froilán
Don Mendo, Marquess of Cabra, gallant and dashing knight of medieval Castilian, is also a virtuous mandoline player and a specialist in climbing towers. But he has a bad run, all played and all l ...