Películas dramáticas de Jean Sobieski

Películas de Jean Sobieski filtradas por género

🎭 Danielle's cousin
🎭 Nicolas
In 1812, Napoleon I set off for the Russian Campaign and planned to spend a night in Châlons-sur-Marne. However, as the police were aware of a planned assassination attempt, the place of accommo ...
A shipbuilder is ruined. All he has left is a mortgaged house, a mortgaged yacht and a mortgaged wife. Precisely, there is a young vivacious, banker in his spare time, a little sadistic on the ed ...
Élisabeth Fischer, a farmer's daughter and cousin of Adeline Fischer, now Baroness Hulot d'Ervy, has been furiously jealous of the latter since their early childhood. After arriving in Paris as ...
🎭 Jean-Loup