Filmografía de Jean-Claude Robillard como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Jean-Claude Robillard

🎭 Léo Tremblay
Four Anglo-Canadians and a New Yorker find themselves in a two-week long total French immersion program in the fictional, remote town of St-Isidore-du-Coeur-de-Jésus, tucked away somewhere in No ...
🎭 Monsieur Drummondville
🎭 Roger frère de Marcel
We witness the race for marriage of thousands of young people, wanting at all costs to escape conscription, then we are transported to the war factories and we thus witness the difficulties of wo ...
A convict on the run returns to his native village to see his daughter again, who believes him to be dead. The priest intervenes to avoid a scandal that would reflect on the young girl on the eve ...
🎭 Rosaire
A tiny Quebec community is thrown into an uproar when a tall young Texan named Bill arrives to claim a farm he has inherited. Bill's inability to speak French, and his apparent unwillingness to l ...