Películas sobre crímenes Jean-Claude Gallouin

Películas de Jean-Claude Gallouin filtradas por género

👔 Production Design
Stan (Belmondo) y Simon, dos individuos vinculados al mundo del crimen, deciden emigrar al Caribe para empezar una nueva vida. Pero sus planes se vienen abajo cuando, en el transcurso de una pele ...
🎭 Production Design
Hell Train is a French film based on a true story. One evening at a ball in a small town, a fight breaks out in an atmosphere tinged with racism. Three of the ringleaders end up at the police sta ...
👔 Production Design
🎭 Production Design
In spring 1976, a 19-year-old beauty, her German-born mother, and her crippled father move to the town of a firefighter nicknamed Pin-Pon. Everyone notices the provocative Eliane. She singles out ...
🎭 Production Design
The movie starts with a mysterious girl riding her horse into a tree. Then she's rescued by millionaire Max Topfer, who is startled to discover in her possession a video showing him being shot by ...