Películas históricas de Janusz Bykowski

Películas de Janusz Bykowski filtradas por género

👔 Pyrotechnician
👔 Pyrotechnic Supervisor
🎭 Special Effects Technician
It's 1940. German forces are prevailing over Allies across Europe. The crew of the Polish submarine, now serving in the Royal Navy, is waging a heroic fight against the invisible enemy. ...
🎭 Pyrotechnician
A story about the tragic fate of a Jewish political activist who committed suicide on 12th May 1943 in London. What he did was supposed to be a sign of protest against the world’s passive attit ...
👔 Special Effects
Narra la historia real de unas monjas polacas embarazadas tras ser violadas por las tropas rusas tras terminar la II Guerra Mundial. Agosto de 1945. Un monasterio cerca de Varsovia (Polonia) albe ...