Películas históricas de Jane Galli

Películas de Jane Galli filtradas por género

🎭 Makeup Department Head
American car designer Carroll Shelby and the British-born driver Ken Miles work together to battle corporate interference, the laws of physics, and their own personal demons to build a revolution ...
🎭 Makeup Department Head
In 1960, a team of Israeli secret agents is deployed to find Adolf Eichmann, the infamous Nazi architect of the Holocaust, supposedly hidden in Argentina, and get him to Israel to be judged. ...
👔 Makeup Department Head
El legendario capitán del ejército Joseph J. Blocker se compromete para acompañar a un moribundo jefe de guerra Cheyenne y a su familia de regreso a las tierras de su tribu. Para ello tendrán ...
🎭 Makeup Department Head
Depression-era bank robber John Dillinger's charm and audacity endear him to much of America's downtrodden public, but he's also a thorn in the side of J. Edgar Hoover and the fledgling FBI. Desp ...