Películas sobre crímenes Jan Tesarz

Películas de Jan Tesarz filtradas por género

🎭 policjant Świda
Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating wi ...
🎭 Waldemar Rekowski
Jacek, an angry drifter, murders a taxi driver, brutally and without motive. His case is assigned to Piotr, an idealistic young lawyer who is morally opposed to the death penalty, and their inter ...
🎭 Waldemar Rekowski
Varsovia. Un taxista está lavando su coche. Jacek, un joven campesino de mirada turbia, vaga por la ciudad. Piotr, un estudiante de derecho, se prepara para hacer su último examen. Sus destinos ...