Comedias de Jan Piechociński

Películas de Jan Piechociński filtradas por género

🎭 Ksiądz
Karol has everything. He has three mistresses in addition to the bride. He is charming, loves sex and enslaves women in the blink of an eye. He's also well aware of that women like and uses it fo ...
🎭 Prowadzący teleturniej
Bogdan and Marta take part in a TV show 'Blind Date' and eventually win a romantic stay at the luxurious hotel for the long May Day weekend. They seem to be so different, however, that they hardl ...
🎭 asysta generała (porucznik)
Set in military barracks in a small town during World War I. The soldiers herded in the barracks are 'politically suspect' mix of characters from all over of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Czechs, ...
🎭 Karol Górski
Karol has everything. He has three mistresses in addition to the bride. He is charming, loves sex and enslaves women in the blink of an eye. He's also well aware of that women like and uses it fo ...
🎭 Julek
Rysiek is an escapee from a reform school. Julek escapes the anger of a fire brigade in a small town from which he embezzled. In search for food Rysiek breaks into a villa and discovers a bundle ...