Películas dramáticas de James Newill

Películas de James Newill filtradas por género

🎭 Captain Rand
El Mayor Chick Davis demuestra ante el ejército de los EEUU la superioridad de los bombarderos de precisión a gran altitud y lo destinan a enseñar sus conocimientos en una escuela para bombard ...
🎭 RCMP Sgt. Renfrew
Ann Fenwick is a witness to a bank robbery in the U.S. and the bandits, led by Trigger and Leon capture her and when she disappears, a warrant is issued for her arrest as a material witness. The ...
🎭 RCMP Sgt. Renfrew
Death stalked Garou's Landing, in the Canadian frozen north, but who was the killer who murdered two men and left them huddled in the snow. Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill, of the Royal Canadian M ...