Filmografía de James Cronin como actor

Películas protagonizadas por James Cronin

🎭 Chief of Staff
Dive into the life of the father of the nuclear Navy: Hyman Rickover. Combative, provocative, and blunt, Admiral Hyman G. Rickover was a flamboyant maverick and a unique American hero. When few ...
🎭 San Diego Equikrom
Claire Stenwick, exagente de la CIA, y Ray Koval, exagente del MI6, han abandonado el mundo del espionaje para dedicarse a un negocio más lucrativo que los convierte en enemigos: su misión cons ...
🎭 Ambassador
Andy moves to New York to work in the fashion industry. Her boss is extremely demanding, cruel and won't let her succeed if she doesn't fit into the high class elegant look of their magazine. ...