Comedias de Jacques Le Carpentier

Películas de Jacques Le Carpentier filtradas por género

🎭 Le capitaine des pompiers
Les aventures tragi-comiques de quelques individus ou comment reagir quand votre maison se retrouve ensevelie sous les eaux, envahie par de droles de personnages et qu'on va accoucher dans les he ...
🎭 le routier géant
🎭 Milou Dujardin
The difficult reunion between a tough young mother and her neglected daughter provide impetus this gritty, but upbeat French drama. Daisy, a typical young woman of the X-generation, seems to have ...
🎭 The exhibitionist
Emile Michel, Lapland, orphan, is obliged to bring back within the tribe the ancestral totem: a gold plumb line "borrowed" formerly by his grandfather Raymond Michel. His quest will take him aboa ...
🎭 Markovitch
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across ...