Comedias de J. Terry Williams

Películas de J. Terry Williams filtradas por género

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Blanche Tyler, una mujer que se gana la vida haciéndose pasar por vidente, sabe que Arthur Adamson es hijo ilegítimo de una rica anciana que desea dejarle su herencia. Adamson se ha convertido ...
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When 5 allied generals are captured in Italy in WWII, it is a propaganda nightmare for the allies. The generals are all 1 star and refuse to take orders from each other in order to plan an escape ...
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When a Soviet submarine gets stuck on a sandbar off the coast of a New England island, its commander orders his second-in-command, Lieutenant Rozanov, to get them moving again before there is an ...
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At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of h ...