Películas dramáticas de J. Nigel Pickard

Películas de J. Nigel Pickard filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
A magic ruby ring transports fifteen-year-old Lucy (Emily Hamilton) one hundred years back in time to a castle, where she's a servant girl. Christian Anholt, Emma Cunniffe, Gillian Kearney, Judy ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Following the death of her mother, Sarah, a Californian teenager, is sent to live with her father in the Scottish Highlands. After a riding accident she is befriended by a fascinating old hermit ...
🎭 Producer
During World War II, young Rusty was sent to America for safety. It's now five years later and the spunky redhead returns to her native England. From the family she hardly remembers to snobby cla ...