Películas históricas de Ivo Henderson

Películas de Ivo Henderson filtradas por género

🎭 Guest (uncredited)
Una farsa con cierto estilo según la novela de Rosamund Marshall, que bebe directamente de la idea de Pigmalión. Esta vez se traslada la acción al Londres del siglo XVIII, donde unos conspirad ...
🎭 Haberdeer
In the 15th century Richard Duke of Gloucester, aided by his club-footed executioner Mord, eliminates those ahead of him in succession to the throne, then occupied by his brother King Edward IV o ...
🎭 Bit Part (uncredited)
This dramatized short film describes the historical mystery of France's "man in the iron mask". King Louis XIV imprisoned a man who was never identified, but who was forced to wear an iron mask f ...