Películas dramáticas de Ivan Geranchev

Películas de Ivan Geranchev filtradas por género

🎭 Sound Director
Kristina lives with Vitaly in a quiet family life, but her sarcastic world view does not coincide with Vitaly’s ideals. While she is engaged in household chores, he spends more and more time at ...
🎭 Sound Director
Adequacy is relative. Vitalik the main character of the movie seems to be pretty normal. With a respectable office job, a comfy little dwelling and a personal couch doctor, Vitalik looks as adequ ...
🎭 Music
They live in the modern world and are afraid of being alone. They get to know each other quickly and talk a lot. They accidentally collide in the cycle of a big city. Will nine hours be enough fo ...
🎭 Editor
They live in the modern world and are afraid of being alone. They get to know each other quickly and talk a lot. They accidentally collide in the cycle of a big city. Will nine hours be enough fo ...