Películas dramáticas de Irene Fenwick

Películas de Irene Fenwick filtradas por género

🎭 Herald - Italian episode
The National Red Cross Pageant (1917) was an American war pageant that was performed in order to sell war bonds, support the National Red Cross, and promote a positive opinion about American invo ...
🎭 Nell Gordon
Nell Gordon's father was once a burglar, but he has turned over a new leaf. When he falls ill, however, the burglar's old cronies persuade Nell to help them in a bank robbery, supposedly to raise ...
🎭 Tessie / Princess Zim-Zim
When Pete Milholland (Owen Moore) goes on a drunken spree, his fiancee, Alice Gardner (Eva Francis), gives him back his ring. Still woozy, he stumbles out of his home to leave for Europe and wind ...