Películas dramáticas de Ilze Pukinska

Películas de Ilze Pukinska filtradas por género

Film takes us deep inside the world of Latvian teenagers in 90s: combining the intimate diary of a teenager Jānis trying to find himself by joining a subculture, as well as a skillful, detailed ...
🎭 general Yasenev's wife
A group of teenagers riding in a car for a picnic. On the way, one of the guys accidentally shoots a kidnapped girl from a car overtaken on the phone. The guy decides not to tell anyone anything, ...
After his wife kicks him out of the house, an elderly, anti-social and quite conservative man Arvīds decides to reconnect with his grandson by staying with the boy and his mother. Not keen on th ...
Dagne, her husband and teenage daughter live in a peaceful Latvian countryside. While everyone is busy with their own thing, the family ties are loosening. Dagne is diagnosed with slowly progress ...