Documentales de Ilya Malkin

Películas de Ilya Malkin filtradas por género

🎭 Co-Editor
How does Basta approach work and creativity, where does he get inspiration for musical material? This and many other things are told by friends, colleagues, relatives and friends of the performer ...
🎭 Executive Producer
The main character of the film, Alexander Strizhenova, became famous in talk shows and tabloid media as the daughter of a Soviet actress, Natalya Strizhenova, who grew up without a father - but t ...
🎭 Producer
Аlina Makarova is a mother of six of her own children and one adopted child. Her ex husband is from Ethiopia, and all her own children are mixed race. Only her adopted son is white, but he has s ...
🎭 Producer
This city is no longer on the map. In the 30-40s of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir, seven hundred villages, one hundred and forty churches and monasteries ...
🎭 Director
A singer with a divine, angelic voice. She lived a bright, but such a difficult life. And she sang in a way that the happiest people do not sing. She was born in Uzbekistan, years of life and aud ...